The Basics
What is a Brow Lift?
A Brow Lift, also referred to as an eyebrow lift or forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgical proxcedure that raises your eyebrows to a better position. The primary goal of this treatment is to correct drooping eyebrows, “hooding” eyelids, forehead furrows, and frown lines. A brow lift will not stop you from being able to furrow or frown, but with your brow in a supported and elevated position, you will not need to continuously make these face which reduces lines and brow fatigue.
When performing a brow lift, Dr. Paul will reposition your eyebrow arch to a more elevated and flattering position which better frames the eyes.
Though there are different browlift types described, the most modern and most popular approach is an called an “endoscopic browlift”
Endoscopic Brow Lift
The Endoscopic Lift is a very popular technique that only requires five small incisions that are hidden in the hairline, leaving no visible scar.
This procedure can lift everything from the hairline to the eyebrows. It tightens and smoothes the entire forehead while lifting the eyebrow area to “open up” your upper face. Eyebrow shape and asymmetry can also be addressed with this type of lift.
Following the procedure, there will be some bruising and swelling. Paired “endotypes” are placed internally to support the result. These triangle supports are made of a complex sugar molecule and dissolve over a year.
Other types of brow lifts include a cut in the hair, in front of the hair, or above the brow. These lifts leave long scar lines.
Dr. Paul will discuss the pros and cons of each technique so the two of you can determine which option is the best choice.